Call for Papers

Workshop objectives            

Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM) is a scientific approach aimed at appraising environmental policies. It is a participative and iterative process in which scientists from different disciplines, policy makers and other stakeholders work together to merge knowledge from multiple domains (engineering, chemistry, physics, social and life sciences, economics, ...) into a single framework, generating structured information useful for policy making. For this reason IAM represents a route inversion with respect to a more traditional approach of science which largely progressed by isolating and studying single domains.

IAM, using a holistic approach, integrates models, databases and tools to assess and, consequently, control the behaviors and the interconnections among environmental, economic and social systems.

Interlinked models of such complex systems are a fertile source of questions for researchers working in the fields of dynamical systems theory and control theory. Some of these questions are classical, such as: what to measure and how to implement decisions in a chain of dynamical models; but others are very peculiar to IAM:

• What is the correct level of integration to effectively support decision-making?

• How can we integrate different sub-models in order to make them transparent to the users, to preserve their testability, and to gain the necessary user confidence?

• How can we effectively convey to the users the notion of model uncertainty?

The workshop aims at addressing some of these challenging questions and will serve as an international forum for interaction among scientists and decision makers who are interested in defining, testing, and promoting models and methods to support policies for climate change, water resources management, air quality, agriculture, and any other activity that has an impact on human life or the environment itself.


The workshop topics include Integrated Assessment Modelling methods and applications for environmental systems, i.e. air (at the global, regional and local scale), climate change, land (forests, biomasses, etc.) and water resource systems (surface and ground waters, marine and coastal waters).


First announcement and call for papers

The first announcement and call for papers leaflet is downloadable here in pdf format.